Collectively cutting action from the grinding process in a hard material, mainly for the manufacture of abrasive. The abrasive is sharp, hard material, relatively soft material to the grinding surface. There are natural and artificial abrasive abrasive abrasive two categories. fused zirconia mullite Classification according to the hardness of superhard abrasive abrasive and general extravagant two categories. A wide range of abrasives, waterjet abrasives from softer household detergents, abrasive stones hardest material to diamond. Each product is a precision abrasive essential materials. Many natural abrasives, has been replaced by artificial abrasive. mold for grinding wheel In addition to diamonds, the natural abrasive properties are not very stable, but still has its value.
cooperation with Shanghai University has developed a pre-mixed abrasive water jet cutting machine tools two-axis plane, were semi-industrial experiments, good performance.